Miyerkules, Mayo 27, 2015

Learn How to Walk with God and Lead a Meaningful Life through Golf

Golf is a game that inspires one to contemplate and think things through. The relaxed pace of the game, the long mental struggle, and the quietness of the green contribute to a contemplative frame of mind. This is why it’s no surprise that many insightful quotes about golf and life have been spoken by some of the best players in the field. These wise adages can help you see life in a better light, especially if you currently are or you’ve just been through a rough patch. A Better Tomorrow Tiger Woods, one of today’s greatest golf players, is quoted as saying this: “The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today […] That's the beauty of tomorrow.” Taking the long view of things and considering what tomorrow brings can help you pick yourself up from a personal disaster. Whether it’s a divorce or losing your job, you should look toward the future, knowing that you can do better and will only grow more as a person.

Lunes, Mayo 25, 2015

Seeking God and Golf: Seeing, Feeling and Trusting God All the Way

Golf is a game that inspires one to contemplate and think things through. The relaxed pace of the game, the long mental struggle, and the quietness of the green contribute to a contemplative frame of mind. This is why it’s no surprise that many insightful quotes about golf and life have been spoken by some of the best players in the field. These wise adages can help you see life in a better light, especially if you currently are or you’ve just been through a rough patch. A Better Tomorrow Tiger Woods, one of today’s greatest golf players, is quoted as saying this: “The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today […] That's the beauty of tomorrow.” Taking the long view of things and considering what tomorrow brings can help you pick yourself up from a personal disaster. Whether it’s a divorce or losing your job, you should look toward the future, knowing that you can do better and will only grow more as a person.

Sabado, Mayo 23, 2015

Inspirational Quotes about Golf and Life: Simple Maxims to Guide You

Golf is a game that inspires one to contemplate and think things through. The relaxed pace of the game, the long mental struggle, and the quietness of the green contribute to a contemplative frame of mind. This is why it’s no surprise that many insightful quotes about golf and life have been spoken by some of the best players in the field. These wise adages can help you see life in a better light, especially if you currently are or you’ve just been through a rough patch. A Better Tomorrow Tiger Woods, one of today’s greatest golf players, is quoted as saying this: “The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today […] That's the beauty of tomorrow.” Taking the long view of things and considering what tomorrow brings can help you pick yourself up from a personal disaster. Whether it’s a divorce or losing your job, you should look toward the future, knowing that you can do better and will only grow more as a person.

Biyernes, Mayo 22, 2015

A Spiritual Thought for the Day: Golf’s Long Walks Are Just like Life

Golf may seem like a calm and uneventful sport, but there’s a lot simmering underneath. When you’re trying to sink the ball into the hole at the end of the green, you’re aiming for perfection; but once you sink it, you’ll have to progress to the next hole. There are 18 holes in a typical golf course and you’ll have to go through all of them to honestly say that you’ve had a full game. This is the reason for the inspiring spiritual thought for the day: golf, like life, is a long walk with lessons for you to learn every step of the way. Life’s Mirror People go through life trying to achieve their goals. Like golf, this can have varied results. Sometimes you get a lucky shot and sink a hole-in-one. Other times, you might end up with a string of bad breaks. Life presents people with the same situation: it can be easy or it can be hard. The important thing is that eventually the ball lands in the hole and you move on.

Huwebes, Mayo 7, 2015

Author Rolls Out Website for Publishing Spiritual Thought for the Day

Lynn Parker rolls out FairwayMinistries.com, a website where she will publish spiritual thought for the day and other inspirational pieces and her poetry. Parker aims to provide a unique spiritual experience to readers through the website. She actually never thought she would delve in this kind of expression, describing herself as a “closet writer”. In the website’s About page, she points out that she believes this as a “testimony to the irony of God’s ‘wiring’.”

Miyerkules, Mayo 6, 2015

Valuable Life Lessons from Golf: How God can Guide you on the Fairways

"Among all the sports you can play like basketball, football, and volleyball, golf is often touted as the sport that closely resembles how life works. You navigate the hilly, uneven terrain while all along aiming to reach the goal—getting the golf ball into the hole. There are many valuable life lessons from golf that you can learn as you play the sport and acquire ever new skills and insights to become a better player. With an open heart, you can also see how God can guide you along the way. Just as in the game of golf where the main goal is to get the ball into the hole, in life you do what you can to keep your focus on the target. The trek to your goal is not always smooth and easy; there are deep puddles, sand traps, and woods along the way, which will sideline you for a while."

Martes, Mayo 5, 2015

Golfing with God: Finding Him in Every Swing, Course, and Tourney

When American pro golfer Webb Simpson won the 2012 U.S. Open golf championship, he was quoted by numerous publications and media outlets as saying: “I prayed more the last three holes than I’ve ever done in my life. It helped me stay calm. […]”. Faith in sports isn’t exactly something new, and golf (which is not very known or obvious to many) is actually a game that improves not only the player’s physical well-being, but his psychological, emotional, and spiritual health as well. Now, you might be asking, what is the connection between golf and God? Is there even one? If you ask someone from a Christian ministry like Fairway Ministries, you’re sure to hear a firm “yes” and be reminded of God’s omnipotence. Truly, He is everywhere if only you would take the time to listen and look. In fact, here are some examples of how you can find and honor God through golf.

Lunes, Mayo 4, 2015

Quotes about Golf and Your Life: Putting the Game in Daily Decisions

To some, golf may seem like an unexciting sport; a repetitive process of hitting and following a ball—but, the true value of the game actually lies within the mind and spirit of the player himself. Golf doesn’t just encourage a person to become analytical of his techniques and skills, it also nurtures a person’s connection with himself, nature, and ultimately with God. Here are some popular quotes about golf and life that can guide your daily actions and keep you on the good and bright path.